Monday, September 26, 2011

Table Centerpieces

I came up with an idea for table numbers (for lack of a better word, as these are not really numbers)...

in the center of each table, have song lyrics from music that has played an important part in our relationship. each table could be a different song or artist.

i found something similar to what I'm thinking here.

what do you think?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Wedding music from Up!

I was on GWS this week (surprise, surprise) and I read about a couple that used the music from the movie Up as their processional music... and I love it!!! The whole soundtrack has a sort of vintage jazzy fantastical old movie feel... just wonderful. :)

If you've never heard it, you can find the album for sale (with samples to listen to) here, or go to youtube and search up'll come up.